Ring engraving

Sayings and quotes

Sayings and quotes for engagement rings, wedding rings and wedding bands are of course all about romance and love. The individually selected words give the rings depth and personality - regardless of the language.



Engraving sayings

The classic engraving for a wedding ring is the wedding date and the combination of first names or initials.

Examples of a classic wedding ring engraving:

First name man & first name woman + date Romeo & Julia 2023-09-09
First name woman + date Julia 2023-09-09
First name man + date Romeo 2023-09-09


Engraving symbols

Is the classic wedding ring or wedding band engraving with your name and wedding, engagement or first date not enough for you?

In this case, you can choose from various engraving symbols:
Heart, double heart, heart with arrow, double heart with arrow, infinity sign, intertwined rings and the dove as a sign of peace and solidarity are available as standard symbols


engraving sayings

Quotes in Latin are high quality and very popular. Even after many hundreds of years, they still remain true. Here are some examples:

In perpetuum
Tempus fugit, amor manet.
Amor vincit omnia.
In omne tempus
Caritas omnia potest.
Si vis amari, ama.
Amor est pretiosior auro.
Amor est … si tangit cor osculum.
Pignus amoris habes.
Semper amemus
Amantes amentes
Mea fortuna in manibus tuis
Pro amore vitae meae


engraving sayings

Short, pithy statements full of devotion are ideal for engraving in or on a ring because space is limited. Here is a selection of the most beautiful quotes in German:

Für immer und ewig Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein.
Jetzt und für immer Im Schicksal gefunden ... durch Liebe verbunden
Ich liebe dich Ich geh mit dir, wohin du willst.
Berühr mein Herz Nicht nichts ohne dich … aber alles mit dir.
Du bist mein Lieblingsmensch Liebe ist, angekommen zu sein.
Ein Leben lang ... an deiner Seite Ewig dein. Ewig mein. Ewig uns.
Du bist mein Glück ... mein Glück bist du Mein Herz gehört dir.
Mein Herz in deiner Hand Weil du die Liebe meines Lebens bist.
Bis zum Mond ... und wieder zurück Keine/r außer dir
Liebe ist kein Ziel ... sie ist nur eine Reise Mein Weg mit dir
Jede Sekunde bei dir Dir immer nah
Allzeit im gleichen Schritt Gestern. Heute. Für immer.
Zwei Herzen … ein Schlag Du wohnst in meinem Herzen.
Bei dir, wo immer du bist. An deiner Hand ein Leben lang.


Engraving sayings

Texts and quotes in English are not only romantic, but also international. Here are the most beautiful sayings:

Now and forever Nothing else matters
I love you Soulmates forever
Love is life Truly, Madly, Deeply
Forever ... Together To have and to hold
Forever & Always And then one day … there was you
Today, tomorrow, always Two rings – one love
True love … never ends Two-piece puzzle
Two hearts … that beat as one Perfect match
With you I am home No matter what
Two rings … one love Me + You = Magic
I found love and love was you My strength.
Love rewards the Brave. The world is better when shared with you.
Truly, madly, deeply All you are is all I’ll ever need.
Our love is eternal You’re my everything.

French and Italian

engraving sayings

French is the language of love. Italians are known for their passion. Find the most important quotes in both languages here:

Je t’aime
Mon amour
Pour toujours
Mon cœur est à toi.
Je suis fou de toi.
Ti amo
Per sempre
Il mio cuore batte solo per te.
Per il mondo sei qualcuno, ma per me sei il mondo.
Il mio cuore è il tuo per sempre.

Romantic Quotes

for your engraving

Love moves the world. That’s why it is one of the most important topics for many authors. Beautiful statements emerged, that will enrich the rings of your love as an engraving:

„Liebe ist kein Solo... Liebe ist ein Duett.“ - Adalbert von Chamisso
„Die Liebe hat immer Recht.“ - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
„Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne.“ - Hermann Hesse
„Der Wunder größtes ist die Liebe.“ - August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben
„Liebe ist das Einzige… das sich verdoppelt, wenn man es teilt.“ - Clemens Brentano
„Bist du nicht da… so bist du doch bei mir.“ - William Shakespeare
„Welch eine himmlische Empfindung ist es, ... seinem Herzen zu folgen.“ - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
„Die Liebe hört niemals auf.“ - 1 Korinther 13,8
„Liebe ist das Einzige was wächst, ...wenn wir es verschwenden.“ - Ricarda Huch

Engraving sayings

for parents

What could be more beautiful than having your loved ones always with you with a ring? Find sayings for engravings for parents here:

Best Mum ever You rock
Best Dad ever Hab Dich lieb
WOW - MOM Du wohnst in meinem Herzen
La mamma è sempre la mamma The reason behind my success
Supermutti You. Inspire. Me.
Super Papa Die Familie ist die Heimat des Herzens
Mamma mia Du bist mein Zuhause
My Dad can Du wohnst in meinem Herzen
The reason behind my success Ein Teil von dir
Mein Superheld Danke


for your engraving

At acredo, we currently offer you a standard selection of 10 different straight and curved fonts for your wedding ring or engagement ring engravings.

Simply enter your engraving text in the configurator under "Personal data". As soon as you select one of the fonts, your text will be displayed accordingly.

If you are looking for an even more personalised alternative for your wedding ring or engagement ring engraving, we are also happy to engrave in your own handwriting.

Discover fonts
